All about Annie

Hi! I’m Annie

What do you want to know?

I’m a senior exec at a tech startup, a reader, a gamer, and a mom of two.

I believe that reading really great fantasy is good for you. It can change your brain chemistry. And, I love that the fantasy genre is growing and changing and reaching more people now vs. when I was a kid.

I’m setting off on this project, my writing journey, with lots of emotions. I’m nervous, but I’m also hopeful. Because even if I write some truly epic garbage, I think I’ll learn a lot and have fun. And hopefully meet new friends along the way.

I’m on Instagram @bookswithloveandmagic and I have a newsletter. Appreciate the follow!

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You can find me on Instagram, but I’d rather not be 100% beholden to our social media overlords. 
I started this email list to build a community and keep in touch with folks directly.

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